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A Gender Equality Plan for busy entrepreneurs by Founderland:

The GEP Starter Kit

If you care about gender equality, then your business should start thinking about it from day one. That’s why we’ve created easy-to-use templates, the essentials. Our toolkit is all about getting clarity on key values and tangible policies that support all employees to live well at work. And we’ve made it easy to use for everybody.  Use this as a framework to create your GEP today!




About GEP’s

  • WHAT IS A GEP?: Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) are systematic and strategic instruments that establish priorities and concrete objectives , and the specific measures that will be implemented to improve gender equality within organisations.

  • WHY SHOULD A TECH STARTUP HAVE ONE?: The underrepresentation of women is not just a problem for the tech sector itself, but a problem for our whole society. This is due to the fact, that most technology is developed by homogenous groups of individuals - such as white men - and therefore is more likely to contain bias. Such biases can spread and reinforce harmful gender stereotypes, which may further stigmatise and marginalise women everywhere and may even offset some of the considerable progress societies have made towards gender equality.

  • WHY IS FOUNDERLAND COMMITTED TO GEP’s?: We want to ensure that GEPs are meaningful not only for big corporations, but also for diverse women-led organisations. We have created easy templates for younger enterprises to use so that this process becomes normalised and customary for all businesses, big and small, on day one.

  • HOW TO GET STARTED?: We’ve created templates that hone in on the core components of GEPs. Copy/paste, tweak to what feels right for your organisation, and publish your GEP for the world and your teams to see. Visibility leads to accountability and can help ensure your commitments are met.

Women’s Empowerment Policy

Flexible Work Policy

Equal Employment Opportunity Policy

Parental Leave Policy

Gender Intersection and Inclusive Language Policy

Self Development and Continued Education Policy

